Cut chaos & overhead
Creativity & Expertise
Lisa Blade designs skills and talents that will enhance your brand's appeal, effectively communicate your message, and ultimately achieve your business objectives all while keeping an eye on those pesky budgets.
Bringing on a skilled, collaborative teammate when you need support makes will make your business challenges attainable.From digital marketing, design, illustration, and transparent watercolor all the way to large-scale event and expo design, Lisa Blade Designs is the solution you need.
- Design services
- Branding/Identity
- Project guidance
- Brand guidelines
- Social media content
- Logo creation
- Website work
- Print design, brochures to billboards
- Custom painting and illustration, both fine and digital
- Expo and large event design

How grand do you need?
The photo above, of the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy was taken by me, (on a lunch break.)
You have a great spot to do business too, and I can work onsite or remotely.
My client list includes businesses of all sizes across the US and the world.

"A heart without dreams is like a bird without feathers."
~ Suzy Kassem
What does your dream project include? Need to convey the different types of flight, like my original illustration of a finch? Or maybe you need to plan a social media content calendar.

Lights, Camera, Action!
Building areas of art, community interest and intersecting business needs can be daunting.
UMFO is a creative non-profit bringing movie creation to unexpected areas in northern Minnesota. (Working with them was a delight.) Lisa Blade Designs created both digital and print collateral for UMFO.
Lisa Blade Designs has non-profit pricing in addition to custom project pricing; please ask.

Always be original
(or be Batman, cause his gear is sweet!)
Digital artwork is magic but sometimes old school is needed, and we go with what works best for your project.
(Good news; I work in both digital and fine work and can effortlessly combine the two.)
Depending on your project needs, original illustrations, digital or pencil-to-paper, watercolor or acrylic painting can be created.
All your custom loveliness can be worked into your website and social media content.
We just need a plan!
Custom artwork for business, personal and beyond, get time on my calendar.

"Her voice was full of money"
Capturing the best of your product in both image and word is critical and can be time-consuming if you have to deal with multiple providers.
Keeping your work together and organized is something Lisa Blade Designs has done repeatedly. (Combine all your tasks into one! Ask about our project guidance)
Writing content for social media or soft content for magazines, brochures or catalogs can be brought to form! (Ask about creative copywriting for your next project!)
Creative direction on photo shoots can be the most insightful part of your pursuit of good imagery.
Video and commercial photography support for your product or vision will leave you smiling.
I adore working with small businesses. I am a huge advocate for the entrepreneur and being budget conscious is my mantra)
The quote above is one of my favorites from The Great Gatsby about the beautiful, not practical Daisy.
“Her voice is full of money,” [Gatsby] said suddenly. That was it. I'd never understood before. It was full of money—that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbals' song of it.
Classics can be new again in the right setting, we should talk.
Pure Joy
Original work samples for vetted clients only. No work on this site is for other use.